Support for Ukraine

I was honored to attend the NYC Freedom for Ukraine Gala concert at Brooklyn’s Oceana Theater and receive the New York State Assembly Proclamation and the Heart & Valor Freedom Award for Czechia’s unwavering support for Ukraine.

Jak rozšíření BRICS ovlivní globální ekonomický řád?

Skupina BRICS se na summitu v Kazani v říjnu 2024 rozšířila o pět zemí, další tucet o vstupu uvažuje. Má to Západ brát jako hrozbu, nebo impuls pro větší ekonomické angažmá v rozvojových zemích? Jak si na tuto otázku odpoví Donald Trump, který se v lednu příštího roku vrátí do Bílého domu a otevřeně mluví o zastavení pomoci a […]

Monument Valley

In May 2024, I drove 4000 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada, to San Francisco, California. Along the way, I visited several national parks. My favourite? Monument Valley Navajo Tribal on the border between Arizona and Utah.

The Largest Falls in the World

Ever since I watched the Mission (1986) movie, I wished to visit the magnificent Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina. The other day I attended a soccer match between Brazil and Argentina in the Maracanã stadium. Two dream came true in two days 🙂

Presidential Visit

I was member of the core team together with Jagello2000 and Globsec that organised the gala dinner on the occasion of the 30 years of Czechia and Slovakia independence. The gala dinner was hosted by the Presidents of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I also jogged with President Pavel in Central Park. 

The Big Apple

I visited New York for the first time in 2001, just a couple of months before the infamous terrorist attacks. 22 years later I returned to work there at the Czech Consulate and to discover this vibrant and fascinating city even deeper.

Consulate General in New York

August 2023 – present Deputy Consul General The key role of the Consulate is to promote economic, cultural and people-to-people relations between Czechia and the United States. I am particularly in charge of trade promotion, scientific cooperation, and public diplomacy. The consular district covers the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, […]

EU Presidency 2022

The 🇨🇿 Presidency of the Council of the European Union achieved real results for Europe’s freedom, security, prosperity and green future. I was privileged to be part of #CZPRES coordination team at the Czech Foreign Ministry. All the best to our Swedish colleagues who will steer 🇪🇺 in the upcoming 6 months.

České předsednictví v nebezpečné Evropě

Generace Evropanů žily v relativním bezpečí a prosperitě. Na troskách druhé světové války vybudovaly Evropské společenství, které se počátkem milénia rozšířilo na většinu kontinentu. Evropská unie prošla několika krizemi, ale každou přečkala bez úhony a ještě posílena. Ve čtvrtek 24. února se civilizovaná Evropa probudila do nové reality. Rusko vojensky napadlo sousední suverénní stát. Principy […]

EU Presidency Department

September 2021 – July 2023 Deputy Director, Czech Presidency Department I was resposible for the coordination and strategic communication of the Czech EU Presidency held in the first semester of 2022.