Gold to Dollar
In 1971, direct convertibility of the dollar into gold ended. The market price of gold fluctuates, but the gold content of the dollar continues to decline as new money is printed.
In 1971, direct convertibility of the dollar into gold ended. The market price of gold fluctuates, but the gold content of the dollar continues to decline as new money is printed.
John a Mary žili koncem 18. století ve střední Anglii. Celé dny pracovali na poli, které jim nepatřilo, a sotva uživili svých šest dětí, z nichž dvě se ani nedožily dospělosti. Ve svém dřevěném přístřeší a v prostých hygienických podmínkách usínali každou noci se strachem o budoucnost. Pokud jde o délku života, příjem kalorií a fyzickou bezpečnost, […]
Since the end of the Cold War, the number of armed conflicts in the world has been declining. However, the share of civil wars and internal conflicts is growing.
Mongolia offers many landscapes: endless plains, majestic mountains, vast deserts. I visited the country to monitor CzechAid projects. One project aims to stop desertification of the Gobi Desert. I did not expect to find an empty glass of vodka there, though 🙂
September 2013 – August 2017 Director-General I was appointed as Head of CzechAid – Czech Agency for International Development. This involved leadership and strategic guidance over the bilateral development cooperation of the Czech Republic that totalled 25 million USD annually.
Does the EU need a new global strategy? Would regional or sectoral strategies not offer a more targeted way? Instead of discussing the rationale for a new strategy, this note describes the main foreign policy challenges in the years to come. There is no need to redefine EU’s external goals as they have already been set […]
Když Nobelův výbor udělil cenu Evropské unii, zdůvodnil ji udržením míru uvnitř Evropy. Nicméně EU si nese svou genetickou výbavu i ve vztazích navenek. Dokládá to článek 21 Lisabonské smlouvy: “Činnost Unie na mezinárodní scéně spočívá na zásadách… demokracie, právního státu, univerzálnosti a nedělitelnosti lidských práv a základních svobod…”. Jak se tuto rétoriku daří naplňovat […]
The opening spectacle featured the Queen, James Bond and Mr. Bean. We attended several events, such as soccer at the Wembley Stadium, volleyball match between Italy and Brazil, badminton and even archery competition at Lord’s.
Floating in the salty water of the Dead Sea is a relaxing experience. Other tourist attractions in the area include the Masada fortress, a symbol of martyrdom. When the Romans besieged the fortress in 73 CE, almost 1000 Jewish zealots living there chose to commit suicide.
We followed ancient treasures along the Great Silk Road: Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva. The infamous “Bug Pit” was a four meter deep hole in the prison located inside the Ark of Bukhara. This was the place where British soldiers Connolly and Stoddart were tortured and executed in 1842.