Foreign Aid Bill
I drafted the much needed and appreciated Act on Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid that was adopted by the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2010.
I drafted the much needed and appreciated Act on Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid that was adopted by the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2010.
August 2009 – August 2013 Deputy Ambassador to the EU Political and Security Committee I was responsible for EU external relations, including the enlargement and the neighborhood policy, transatlantic cooperation and EU relations with emerging powers (China, Russia, Japan, India, Brazil).
I coordinated the Czech Presidency in the EU Council in the area of development cooperation. In January 2009, we organised an informal meeting of EU development ministers in Prague.
Abomey was the capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey from 1600 to 1900. Benin is a republic today but local tribal chiefs still enjoy informal power and influence. We met two of them. They can marry as many wifes as they wish.
Beautiful sunrise and views over the ancient city of Thebes, the temple of Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings. Sometimes, it could get dangerous, as proved by repeated accidents of hot air balloons in Egypt.
“Football for Development” brings street players from Kenya to the Czech Republic. It is not only a sport tournament but a social event and educational activity as well. I was glad to participate a couple of times as head of CzechAid and an active player.
My first trip to Africa. We drove 500 km on unpaved roads from Mongu to Livingstone. The city is named after a famous Scottish explorer. Dr Emil Holub, a Czech explorer, arrived at Victoria Falls twenty years after David Livingstone.
May 2002 – August 2006 Counsellor I served as national delegate to the OECD Budget Committee, Public Affairs and Communications Committee, Science and Technology Committee, and Development Assistance Commitee (DAC).
February 2000 – August 2009 Head of Multilateral Development Cooperation Unit I focused mainly on international economic relations. I took an active part in the Czech EU Presidency in 2009. I drafted the Bill on Foreign Aid adopted by the Czech Parliament in 2010
September 1999 – January 2000 Diplomatic Attaché I received a training in diplomacy at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. As part of the training I worked as intenrn at the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia.