Inequality and Development
Modern economic growth brings less inequality as opposed to traditional pre-modern societies. Alas, this trend has turned into more inequality after 1970s.
Modern economic growth brings less inequality as opposed to traditional pre-modern societies. Alas, this trend has turned into more inequality after 1970s.
Although the number of foreign aid projects grows, their average size diminishes. This could increase administrative costs and reduce aid effectiveness.
Britové hlasovali pro odchod své země z Evropské unie. Politici i finanční trhy se vzpamatovávají ze šoku. Na hodnocení dopadů je příliš brzy, přesto se již vynořují mnohé prognózy. Pojďme se na Brexit podívat očima rozvojové spolupráce. Komentátoři připisují Brexit na vrub krátkozrakosti a taktizování britských politiků. David Cameron toužil vejít do historie jako jeden […]
Effective foreign aid has four pillars: 1. Partner countries set their own priorities, 2) Donors align with priorities of partner countries, 3) Donors harmonize their assistance among themselves, 4) Aid is driven by results.
CzechAid and MASHAV (the Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The ceremony took place during the Intergovernmental Consultations in May 2016 in Jerusalem.
Illicit financial flows from Africa outweight what the continent gets in the form of foreign direct investment and foreign aid.
The presented text is an excerpt from the Director of the Czech Development Agency Mr. Michal Kaplan’s speech at a High-level Workshop for New and Emerging Donors from Central and Eastern Europe hosted by the Regional United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Office in Istanbul in December 2015. UNDP has long supported the building of capacities of […]
Foreign direct investments (FDI) are more important source of development finance than official development assistance (ODA). On the other hand, FDI are more volatile while ODA provides stability over economic cycles,
The number of forcibly displaced people is the highest since the end of the Cold War and continues growing. International refugees are only a minor part of this number. Most forced displacements are internal due to civil wars.
Pokles cen komodit, vzestup islámského extrémizmu, sucho způsobené El Niněm – to jsou jen některé události, které v roce 2015 ovlivnily rozvojové země. Ale přišly také pozitivní zprávy, ať již z velkých konferencí OSN nebo z úst zakladatele Facebooku. Ředitel ČRA Michal Kaplan se ohlíží za uplynulým rokem a konstatuje, že i díky zahraniční rozvojové […]