Consulate General in New York

August 2023 – present Deputy Consul General The key role of the Consulate is to promote economic, cultural and people-to-people relations between Czechia and the United States. I am particularly in charge of trade promotion, scientific cooperation, and public diplomacy. The consular district covers the following states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, […]

EU Presidency Department

September 2021 – July 2023 Deputy Director, Czech Presidency Department I was resposible for the coordination and strategic communication of the Czech EU Presidency held in the first semester of 2022.

Permanent Mission to UN in Geneva

September 2017 – August 2021 Deputy Permanent Representative I dealt with global health (World Health Organisation), human rights, disarmament, humanitarian affairs, international trade. I was also responsible for the Mission’s internal management.

Czech Agency for International Development

September 2013 – August 2017 Director-General I was appointed as Head of CzechAid – Czech Agency for International Development. This involved leadership and strategic guidance over the bilateral development cooperation of the Czech Republic that totalled 25 million USD annually.

Czech Representation to EU in Brussels

August 2009 – August 2013 Deputy Ambassador to the EU Political and Security Committee I was responsible for EU external relations, including the enlargement and the neighborhood policy, transatlantic cooperation and EU relations with emerging powers (China, Russia, Japan, India, Brazil).

Czech Delegation to OECD in Paris

May 2002 – August 2006 Counsellor I served as national delegate to the OECD Budget Committee, Public Affairs and Communications Committee, Science and Technology Committee, and Development Assistance Commitee (DAC).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

February 2000 – August 2009 Head of Multilateral Development Cooperation Unit I focused mainly on international economic relations. I took an active part in the Czech EU Presidency in 2009. I drafted the Bill on Foreign Aid adopted by the Czech Parliament in 2010

Diplomatic Academy

September 1999 – January 2000 Diplomatic Attaché I received a training in diplomacy at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. As part of the training I worked as intenrn at the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

University of Economics Prague

September 1994 – June 1999 Master Degree Diploma I studies following subjects: international relations, economics and trade, business administration, commercial law. My Graduate Thesis focused on Development co-operation as part of EU External Relations in 1990s.